Lykke Li


So this is what it feels like; freedom.
Is this what time on my hands will taste like?
Free from what, one might ask?

I do feel different. A little scared even. A little relieved maybe.
Last night I slept like I haven't in years. Souls and spirits, coughs and colds, I don't have to be scared of them now… Let go man, let go.

I feel so grateful, so very blessed. How could this all have happened to me? A journey one can't even describe. An emotional jet lag one cant comprehend.

As I said I'm grateful and blessed but like any other soul not done of course. There's a million things I could have done differently and even better but again, art and life is never finished, just abandoned. ( Thanks, Leonardo Da Vinci.)

I've done what I could on this cycle, my wounded one, and now its time for me to retreat and rest a little and hopefully rise from the ashes again.

I want to thank everyone for supporting me, for coming to my shows, listening to my music and watching the little films I've done. I sometimes feel embarrassed cause I feel I've still not nailed it but at the same time humbled by the opportunity of getting to grow in front of all you. I hope we will continue to grow together in whatever direction it will take…

I love you all.

As I will continue to contemplate on myself, the past and the world I will probably find all kind of leftovers in need of a home so lets start slowly…
Here is one already found.
Another lost session.
Youth Knows No Pain.

Yours Truly,





Jag hoppas verkligen att detta inte är slutet för hennes karriär och mina blogg inlägg om henne, utan bara att det är en kort paus för att hon sedan ska komma tillbaka utvilad och bäst.

Kom tillbaka snart


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